Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Is dog walking right for you?

Being a successful petsitter means being flexible. It also means keeping track of lots of little details. Over the years, I have gotten all kinds of requests. Some are simple details like, “please use the service elevator only” to “please, change my dog’s diaper.” Yes, some dogs wear diapers. Each time I hear something specific I make a mental note, a physical note, but also update our client records on those details. That way any sitter filling in has the latest information on each pet. I take all requests seriously no matter how unusual they might seem.

To some, petsitting might seem like an “easy” job or a fun one. What people don’t realize is that despite the fun that comes with bonding with your pet, there’s a lot to keep straight. There’s allergies, medications, behavioral issues, destructiveness...the list goes on and on. I can’t even count how many times people will come up to me and say, “I wish I could quit my job and just become a dog walker. You have it so easy.” Anyone who juggles a full route, can tell you it’s definitely not as easy it seems. Don’t get me wrong, I do think I have one of the coolest jobs on the planet. I just know not everyone is cut out for this. First, there is the handling. A lot of people who have had dogs as pets think they are dog experts. Just because you were a loving pet owner doesn’t mean dog walking is for you. You have to imagine the biggest, most unruly dog and ask yourself if you’re willing to go into a house with alarms going off, the dog barking and the key getting stuck in the door. The reason? You may encounter this. Granted, it may not be all at once, but we have these kinds of days. You have to be prepared and accept the possibility of being bit. Generally, most companies will not accept a client with a people-aggressive dog, but some slip through the cracks. I can tell you it’s a rare thing, but we’ve all been bit once or twice.

The other big issue is being calm under fire. Sometimes dog walking is super rewarding and other times it feels like a thankless job. What I mean is, a lot of pet owners forget to acknowledge us when everything is going smoothly, but are quick to point out when we mess up. We are only human and yes, things go wrong. But, I am a firm believer in owning up to your mistakes and communicating with the client right away. It eliminates a lot of frustration and hassle down the road. One of the biggest complaints I hear about other sitters is that they don’t keep the client in the loop. Just think about how you would feel if you left town and you didn’t even get a text from the sitter to say they made it to your house ok? I really hate leaving someone wondering. A quality sitter will always communicate. In addition, sending updates with pictures and video will make the client feel extra comfortable. After all, smart phones make this a lot easier. When I started dog walking all we used were pagers. I don’t know how I got around, which leads me to my next point.

A good sitter is a well-prepared sitter. I always map out my route to the client’s house ahead of time via google maps either on the computer or my iPhone. It will tell you about how long it will take to get there and give you directions. I always look it up again right before leaving the house because the timing could have changed due to traffic or some unforeseen circumstance. In LA, there’s always some unforeseen circumstance, so it’s best to check. Smart phones and GPS systems are a lifesaver, especially for a sitter who is new to the area.

Another important attribute is paying attention. A good dog walker doesn’t text, read books or listen to their headphones while walking your pet. Granted, we’ve all had something come through that we couldn’t wait to answer, but it’s best to be fully focused on the pet you are caring for. Often times, just being alert has helped me avoid a dog fight or a dog eating something they shouldn’t. In the Los Angeles area there’s also coyotes who are not shy of humans, so it’s especially important to be alert during dusk. I also try to look over a pet’s body at some point. I can’t tell you how many times I have noticed an injury, a wart or a tick on a pet. Going back to communication, it’s important you tell the pet parent about it and/or your company right away if you think it’s something serious.

Lastly, you need to know how you would deal with a dog dying or getting terribly sick in your care. It’s not something we like to think about, but it is a possibility. I have had puppies go into seizures in front of me. It’s scary, but you have to know what to do and how to stay calm. Some sitters take CPR classes to better prepare for emergency situations.

These are just some of the aspects of petsitting that most people probably don’t think about. If you’re still intrigued about being a sitter, than I say try it out. But, remember the more detail-oriented you are the better. These are lives we are dealing with. It’s a much more delicate situation than messing up someone’s latte order. If you still think you want to do it, I say go for it. You’ll know right away if you feel comfortable.

Contributed by our dog walker extraordinaire, Mary C.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Preparing your dog(s) for the 4th of July

Ugh, it’s that time of year again.  In just a few weeks, we’ll be subjected to evenings  full of cacophonous celebrations of our nation’s independence.  Ok, I realize that sounds very unpatriotic.  I do love our country and believe in celebrating the 4th of July. There was a time that I couldn't wait for all of the BBQs and fireworks night after night.  That was before I became involved in animal rescue, and before I owned one noise sensitive dog named Roo. Now, I dread it and all the days surrounding it.

Disney, an Angel City Pit Bull who is looking for his forever home!
For those who haven’t experienced the 4th of July from a rescuers perspective, let me fill you in with some hard to hear truths.  The 4th of July is the absolute busiest time of year for our city and county shelters.  Many dogs escape- either from their yards or homes, or sometimes from the hands of their handlers who mistakenly bring them along to a 4th of July fireworks celebration because they think it will be “fun.” The shelters overflow with dogs that they didn’t have room for to begin with.  And while many of these dogs may be reclaimed by their desperate owners, it’s too late for the dogs whose place they had to take.  There is often a huge push just before the 4th of July to get as many dogs as possible adopted, because when the 4th of July escapees start rolling in, space needs to be made for them for the mandatory 3 day holding period (which is good news for you if your dog gets out- you do have at least 3 days to find her at your local shelter).  But, this often means that the long-time, or even recent residents of the shelter have to lose their lives in order to make space.

So, what can we do to help alleviate this situation?  First of all, plan ahead.  Make sure you know what your dog will be doing not only the evening of the 4th, but also any other evenings around the 4thIt may help to do a quick online search to find out when the big 4th celebrations are happening around you. And be prepared for the impromptu neighborhood celebrations with the illegally purchased fireworks.  If you live in the  Hollywood Hills, you probably don’t have to worry so much about that (hopefully….as that creates a whole different problem altogether!) but for those of us down in the Valleys, this is something I’ve come to accept as given. Last year I tried to sneak in a trip to the dog park at around 6:30 pm, thinking it was far too early for anyone to be setting off fireworks, but boy was I wrong!

Things you can do in advance to prepare your dog:

Pick up a “Thundershirt”- make sure you do some test runs in advance, so that your pup does not always associate wearing the T-shirt with being stressed.  Follow the directions that come with the Thundershirt for a successful introduction.  You can find these at most pet supply stores and can also order online at

Get a Sound Socialization CD- I like the one from Start by playing on lowest volume possible during feeding , treat-time or playtime with a favorite toy, and note your dog’s reaction.  You will turn the volume up over time in your sessions, but be careful not to try to do too much too soon.  If your dog tries to leave the room or looks stressed, turn off the sound and go back to lower levels at your next session.

Find some Calming sounds- “Through a Dog’s Ear” provides relaxing classical music to calm your dog when he is stressed.  Again, start playing in advance during “normal” times so your dog associates the music with good times and not just stressful times.

Crate training-  it’s never too late to teach a dog to use a crate. If done correctly, your dog will actually come to see her crate as her safe haven.  Use the crate only for positive experiences, never for punishment.  Never attempt to force your dog in the crate, especially if you yourself are stressed, angry, or frustrated.  Practice having your dog go in and out of the crate in short intervals when you are not rushed to get out the door, and always make sure there are lots of good things inside the crate- peanut butter stuffed kongs, favorite toys, things to chew, etc.  Toss treats into the crate whenever you pass by.  Feed in the crate.  Put a nice cushy bed in the crate (warning- if you put too good of a bed in the crate, you might never see your dog hanging out anywhere else!) Note: Your pup could still injure herself trying to escape from the crate if she is left alone in the home inside the crate during the fireworks celebrations.  I still recommend staying home with your noise sensitive pup, and leaving the crate open so she can go inside if she feels stressed.

Medications and Supplements- Talk to your vet about anti-anxiety meds or supplements. In extreme cases, a Xanax-type medication may help calm your dog during stressful events.  There are also natural remedies available- “Quiet moments” is one that can be found in most pet supply stores.    

Reinforce all potential exits from your home- make sure your windows and doors are secure. While you shouldn’t be leaving your dog in the yard during fireworks celebrations, there is always a chance she could escape to the yard, so make sure all holes, gates, etc are patched and secured, and that there is nothing she could climb on to help her leap over the fence.

Finally, make sure your dog is wearing identification at all times! Also, microchip your pets!

Things you can do the day of and during the celebrations:

This goes without saying, but whatever you do, DON’T bring your dog to a fireworks display.  Remember, their hearing is far more sensitive than ours.  And they have no idea what it’s all about. Dogs have no business going to see fireworks, and they certainly don’t get any enjoyment out of it.

Plan to stay home.  If you can’t, hire a petsitter to stay with your dog.  Make sure your sitter understands the grave importance of staying with your dog and what his potential reaction may be to the fireworks.

Earlier in the day, take your dog out for a good long walk/hike/swim/run or extra long retrieving session- anything you can do to completely wear him out.  If he is really tired it will help him relax through the fireworks.

Play your calming music- start early, before the fireworks should start and let it run all night.

Put the Thundershirt on- also in advance of when you expect the explosions to start.

If your dog gets upset, let him do what makes him comfortable- if he goes and hides under a table or in his crate, don’t try to force him out, or make a big deal out if it.  If he has put himself in a precarious position, then of course remove him, but otherwise let him be ( and if you don’t want him to hide in a closet or under your bed, make sure you close it off or remove his access in advance). Check on him from time-to-time and make sure he is OK.  If he wants to cuddle, that’s OK too.  Just don’t make a big deal of constantly telling him "it's ok." The key to getting through this is for you to remain calm.  Don’t get stressed or frustrated about your dog being stressed.  

Close the windows, turn up your calming music, draw the curtains and stay in for the night. Celebrate your dog's independence and hopefully that of many other dogs who will be adopted this summer.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Some dogs just have their quirks

Lazlo was always a strange fella. He was a large handsome shepherd mix with ears that flopped over. He was the sweetest thing when it came to people, but he had no tolerance for other dogs. His other enemy? Books. Generally, destructive dogs are destructive with anything they can get their paws on. Not, Lazlo. Occasionally he’d get into the garbage, but his favorite play toys were always bound. I can’t explain it, but everyday when I would show up to walk him he would have chewed the corners or ripped pages out of a paperback. What he had against Chaucer or King, I do not know. Maybe it’s because his owner was very fond of books. She had loads of paperbacks and many lovely, expensive art books lying around. Even if they were put away tightly on a bookshelf, Laz would find a way to inch them out. He was a mama’s boy, so maybe it was his way of expressing his separation anxiety. I always thought it looked like revenge. After all, he stayed with me a few times and never did it to my library. 

His owner was very patient with him. I would leave her messages about the destruction and she would just sigh knowing this wasn’t the first or last time. I never understood why she would continue to leave books within reach considering his track record. Whenever I would come in and find the evidence, Lazlo would hide or just look at me with those guilty eyes. It was hard to be mad at a dog with such silly egg eyes. His floppy satellite dish ears always made him look so stupidly cute. So, day after day, I would clean up the mess feeling awful about throwing away the books. Eventually, Lazlo and his owners moved away up north and I missed his antics. I wonder if he’s still tearing up books in Minnesota? It’s been a while and I’ve lost touch with his family. He’s probably an older fella by now, so maybe he’s grown out of it. Maybe his mom bought an iPad or Kindle and that was the end of it. Gosh, I hope so. Last time I checked, the score was trees 0, Lazlo 1,000. 

By Mary C., dedicated Fetch walker, sitter, and all around snuggle-giver