Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day in the life of a dog walker, Chapter 1: The Wake Up Call

It’s 5 AM, and the evil overlord is chanting next to my ear.  I reach over and pick up the phone and ask it to wait 5 more minutes. Dog collars jingle. “Fi…mints…guys” comes out of my mouth in the most audible voice I can find. Too late. I feel a rush of wind as a long black tail whips my face.  More jingling.  I open one eye. The black tail rises from the foot of the bed, but it appears to be completely detached from any form.  At the corner of the bed, sits the little wrestler. Wide brown eyes, determined expression, chin slightly raised.  He is willing me to rise.  I close the eye. “hoawumph” I open the eye, as if I am looking for the source of the strange muffled sound, but I know where it came from.  The little wrestler’s lips are trembling.  I close the eye. “HOAWumph” More jingles.  I open the eye.  Behind the little wrestler stands a furry wolf-like creater,a nd the black tail is curled high and is now attached to a long black body and head with a long brown snout.  All eyes are on me.  I close the eye.  “HOAWUMPH!” followed by the sound of tiny galloping horses, which in a flash, seem to have jumped on top of me.  My face is getting a bath and I am now awake and giggling.

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